Monday, August 20, 2012

Todd Akin

      I HAVE to comment about this. Missouri Rep. Todd Akin Says that he misspoke when he said, “from what I understand from doctors pregnancy after rape is really rare.” and “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. A true rape would prevent an orgasm from occurring and thus make conception unlikely.” Ok, I have to ask, what doctor would ever tell anyone that? Really! So explain how it is that the female body can “shut that whole thing down.” What exactly is she shutting down and how is that done? Well let’s teach women how to do this shut down voodoo and make contraceptives unnecessary. Later he wrote on twitter that “all of us understand that rape can result in pregnancy & I have great empathy for all victims. I regret misspeaking.” (A study in the American Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found that rapes result in more than 32,000 pregnancies each year.) He also said that a true rape would prevent an orgasm from occurring and thus make conception unlikely. ….What! Seriously?!
        He didn’t miss-speak. You miss-speak when you mix up a word. He thought he knew what he was saying. I can’t believe that a man who is supposed to represent so many people could be so misinformed about such a basic biological function as conception. Doesn’t this man have a staff? Aren’t there researchers that are supposed to at least give these politicians the bare facts? Almost any junior high or high school kid could give you a better understanding of how conception occurs than this elected official. What is a legitimate rape anyway? Is it not rape if the victim is not beat all to hell? Can labeling it forcible or not forcible make it somehow less traumatic for the victim? Rape is rape.
       President Obama hit the nail right on the head I think when he said In his press conference today, “ So what I think these comments do underscore is why we shouldn’t have a bunch of politicians, a majority of whom are men, making health care decisions on behalf of women.”

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