Friday, November 27, 2015

Since I'v Been Away

     Since I've been away. I just realized how long it had been since I had been away. I've been busy doing other things. Stirring the pot on political issues, signing petitions, writing and forwarding letters to various elected officials. Dealing with the health issues that have made me the wheelchair advocate, writing a book that I haven't had the courage to really and truly pursue getting published ( but I will) working on two other books that I love, but wonder if any one is as strange as me and could possibly love my twisted little creations? I don't know. 
     I do know that strange things are afoot in the land. We have people running for president who have no clue as to how the government works, and people screaming their names, proving that they all skipped civics 101 in junior high. 
     Mr. Donald Trump, erstwhile business man and reality TV star, one of the founding fathers of the birther movement, and all around swell but creepy guy, is running for the office of president. 
     I admit that my first reaction was an eye roll and a "well this should be fun." Then as the nasty verbal vomit kept pouring from his mouth and his poll numbers rose, and all the others began to try and out Trump Trump, I began to get a sense of the surreal. 
     Dr. Ben Carson, famed neurosurgean and supposed intelligent individual. He may have been an awesome surgeon, I have no reason to think otherwise, but as a candidate for office, he is a disaster. I'm pretty sure that the great pyramids weren't grain silos, but hey, who am I? I do have a world map on my wall that is strikingly different from the one on his resent ad. Watching the man talk makes me actually yell at the TV. he seems heavily medicated and delutional. If the meds are for the delusional condition, they aren't working. 
      Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX). Now there is an enigma. He has a bad case of the LOOK AT ME's. With his reading of Green Eggs and Ham on the senate floor, too late to delay a vote that had already happened. I watched him preen for the cameras and got a sense that this was a sick personality that I should keep an eye on. It's the feeling you get when you meet your friends new guy and you have an instant distrust of him and he just makes your skin crawl. I have a deep instinctual distrust of this man. He's too greasy, too arrogant, and too hateful. While I'm on the subject of Cruz, Texas, I am so sorry. I know that you are getting a ration of crap for him and I'm sorry. I know that there are plenty of smart and rational people in Texas. Now please fight harder so that this man doesn't speak for you. 
      So that's my amateur and strictly personal thoughts on these three. I've got oh so much more to say. Don't I always? I'll be working on getting more up soon. 



Saturday, June 21, 2014

My Views On Fracking

     Fracking does indeed cause environmental damage. Local water tables are contaminated. Up to 600 chemicals are used in fracking fluid, including known carcinogens and toxins. The chemicals in the water forced into the earth are dangerous to human and animal health. Why else would NC go so far as to forbid the public from knowing what is in the fracking water they are using?
     Hydraulic fracturing is the process of drilling and injecting fluid, containing water, chemicals, and sand, into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas inside to get to a larger area and get more natural gas the wells are often drilled horizontal. Each fracking site requires around four hundred tanker trucks of water to be shipped to the drilling site. Around 1 to 8 million gallons of water are used for each well.
      50% or less of the fracking fluid is recovered and is left in open pits to evaporate, this puts volatile organic compounds into the air creating contaminated air, acid rain, and ground level ozone.
    Here are a few facts that are usually undisputed on both sides. The level of methane in water wells near fracking sires are 17% higher than average water wells. contaminated water doesn't always get into the drinking water. This depends on several factors; the depth of the water well, the geographical features of the rock beds between the fracking site and the area surrounding the sites, and the adherence to proper procedures by the industry doing the fracking.
     Exposure to these chemicals does cause serious health problems. There have been many cases of the water table in a specific areas being permanently contaminated so that the property owners can’t continue to live on the property and can’t sell the property, though not as many as have been claimed in some documentaries. The fact that it does happen needs to be addressed by the industry and as much as possible made right with the people effected.
     Fracking as well as drilling for oil is not the best long term solution for energy needs. Obtaining fossil fuels is damaging to the environment. There will have to be a shift into renewable energy, though I do understand that it can’t happen overnight, It will happen.
     In the meantime a few things need to happen. The Frack Act, (fracturing responsibility and awareness of chemicals act), which would require industry to disclose all chemicals used in fracking. This should not be a problem if, as the industry claims, it is not harmful. 
    The second is to repeal the exemption from the safe drinking water act. This should have never have been allowed in the first place and has bred the mistrust of the industry.
     Neither side is telling the whole truth. An informed opinion can only be reached with research and facts from sources that have nothing to gain from either side.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Glen Beck Has lost his mind....again

     Glen Beck has once again went around the bend. He said today that President Obama was about to snap and round up the conservatives into internment camps. He said that President Obama has been coddled all of his life and treated like a god and wouldn't react well when the press turns on him.
      President Obama has been insulted and challenged in the press more than any other president, at least in my life time. When President Obama was elected the first time there was a multitude of conspiracy theories that he would round people up and put them in internment camps. If that was his intent then he sure is taking his own sweet time about it. The same can be said about the lies that He was coming after every ones guns. He has supported the slightest of common sense gun control bills and has been blocked at every turn by the conservative right.
      If there is a ligament  complaint to be made about the President is that he has been far too soft on the people spewing lies and hate in the guise of news. President Obama tried for way to long to compromise with the republican party to no avail. No matter how detrimental to the country, their stated goal was to block the president, period. 
      There was the so called scandal about President Obama birth certificate, which he did produce. Even though he proved that he was born in the United States of America, some in the republican party and the right wing media started what would become the norm. Completely ignoring the truth. President Obama didn't snap.
      There was the intentional misconception about the presidents religion. Hateful ignorant people across the country were spoon fed lies insisting that then Mr. Obama was Muslim. He is not Muslim, but in this supposed land of religious freedom, would it really matter what his religion was as long as he didn't base his polices on his personal religious beliefs? Sadly yes, but that doesn't make it right. President Obama didn't snap. 
      The racial slurs and verbal attacks on the President and first Lady Michelle Obama that still go on. Adults saying horrible racist things that no mature adult should ever say. Cartoons depicting the President as a monkey. President Obama didn't snap. 
      Getting the affordable care act passed was an uphill struggle. Congress voted six times to repeal the affordable care act. There were forty or more attempts to refund the act that has given millions of American citizens access to health care that they couldn't get in the previous healthcare system, forcing many people to seek care at emergency rooms. People died waiting for help or because they couldn't get the care they needed, meanwhile costing tax payers millions. President Obama didn't snap.
      The so called Benghazi scandal/witch hunt is a great example. The real scandal is that the very people screaming for information that they already had were the same people who had voted to cut funding for embassy security that seemingly led to tragedy in the first place. They knew this and still spent millions of dollars and thousands of hours pursuing a boogy man that doesn't exist. President Obama didn't 'snap'.
      There was the failure to pass a budget and the subsequent shut down of the government. This was largely due to the republicans refusal to negotiate. Even though the right ring news ( fox so called news, for one) reported over and over again that it was the democrats that wouldn't negotiate, even though it was public knowledge and easily verified that it was the republicans who wouldn't show up to meetings to work out the budget. Then had a ridiculous photo taken showing the cookie cutter republicans sitting on one side of a conference table with the other side of the table empty. They thought that the American people were to stupid to remember what they said and did from day to day. Unfortunately in some cases they were correct. President Obama didn't snap.

     Last but by no means least is the Bowe Bergdahl story that is still ongoing.
      Barack Obama was not coddled all of his life. He  was raised by a single mother and was lucky to have a supportive family. He achieved all that he has because he is an uncommonly intelligent man devoted to trying to make the country a better place. He is not perfect by any means. Though I support our President and have respect for the office, I have real misgivings about the NSAs spying on United States citizens. I have serious concerns about drone warfare. The fact is that the most anti-American behavior is being perpetrated by same people that are freaking out, hair on fire, war mongering, hate spewing far right.   

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Srg Bowe Bergdahl

     A Time magazine cover, other media, and some republicans, posed the question " Was bringing Srg Bowe Bergdahl home worth it? " The answer is a resounding YES!
    We are still Americans. There should be no doubt, ever,  that any member of the United States military will ever be behind. Ever. We just don't abandon our people in foreign lands. Period.
     The outrage with which many members of the republican party have reacted to the release Srg Bergdahl is ridiculous. The very people who were in a patriotic fervor and  had demanded that Srg Bergdahl be brought home in the recent past are now in an uproar because he was rescued. The President is being accused of negotiating with terrorist and condemned for releasing five prisoners from  Guantanamo bay.
     The war in Afghanistan is drawing to a close. The procedure at the end of hostilities normally involves the release of prisoners of war back to their homelands.
     President Obamas administration has stated that the deal had to be done quickly because of Srg Bergdahls failing health and the fact that those holding Srg Bergdahl had threatened to kill him if any word of the proposed swap was released The statement has also been made that failure to notify congress of the prisoner swap was illegal. The congress was aware of the plans to secure the release of this last prisoner of war in Afghanistan, many endorsed the plan.
      It seems to me that they only cry foul because it is the Obama administration that accomplished this release. Had it Been former President Bush I believe there would have been understanding of the need for speed and secrecy and there would now be celebrating the victory of the last prisoner of war coming home from this long conflict.
      In an example of the dangerous direction our government seems to be going, Tom Coburn, Republican from Oklahoma,told one news organization that he believes that Sgt. Bergdahl was drugged in the proof of life video provided in a closed briefing last Wednesday. Mr. Coburn is an OBGYN, an Obstetrician and gynecologist. The fact that Mr. Coburn feels comfortable diagnosing any one in the circumstances that Srg Bergdahl was in from a short video concerns me. The fact that many representatives who are supposed to represent all of us are barking at the moon and demanding information on topics in shows of outrage before the press,  when they would have the information they so vehemently demand if they did their jobs and attended the briefings designed to keep them informed. But that is a rant for another  day.   
     The negotiations to effect the release of Srg Bergdahl are the same procedures that have been done to secure the release of prisoners of war since the beginning of our countries history.
     The mass deleting of the initial celebratory statements, posts, and tweets demonstrates the hypocrisy of many politicians. Damn the country. Loyalty to the party and their financial backers. This is not "1984" and Big brother can not rewrite history.
     The people already screaming for Srg Bergdahls trial and even his execution should be ashamed of themselves. Innocent until proven guilty has to remain the standard of the American legal system and a right of all citizens. The fact that so many people have already tried and convicted this man with out even the most cursory of investigations should disturb Any person who still believes in the rule of law and the constitutional rights of American citizens.          

Thursday, May 22, 2014

On Dick Cheney


    The former Vise President doesn't seem to remember from one moment what he has said. Back in  the early 2000s he was greatly responsible for lying to the american public and pushing the United States into war with Iraq. 
     *There were FBI reports dating back to before September 11, 2001 that stated that a group of men were training to fly planes, but not how to land them. Another report  stated there were targets in New York and Washington and indicated that hijacked planes might be used as weapons. there were warnings from the CIA European Chief  Tyler Drumheller that Curveball couldn't be trusted which were ignored.* (
       After having information stove piped to his office and circumventing the normal flow of information, Cheney got up in front of the public and lied.  From What I remember it was a serious play on the fear and anger that encompassed the country after the 9/11 attacks. The people needed a name to attach their anger and indignation to and the Bush administration used that to their full advantage to get us into an illegal war. 
     this week Cheney has been quoted as saying that Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for what happened in Benghazi. She was secretary of state at the time it happened and was one of the first people in Washington to learn  about the attack. 
    Let's be real. It's a horrible thing when people die in such a horrible way, or at all. People died doing their jobs for their country. In other words for us. an investigation was in order after it happened to least to see if there is a way to better protect our people in foreign lands. That was done. 
    What is happening now is a witch hunt and a way to drum up money for the republican party. There was no such outrage when other the 13 embassy attacks that occurred the bush administration when Richard Cheney was the  Vice President.  
    Who is really at fault for there not being adequate security at the embassy? I would say that the  House Republicans that voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut 1.2 billion from state operations that would include cutting funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions.  Look the numbers up yourselves and see who was really responsible for the supposed lack of security in Benghazi. 
    I think the government in general and the republicans  specifically need to stop raising money on the backs of dead Americans. The politicization of the deaths for the purpose of raising money and deflecting attention from other issues is disrespectful to the men who died and a continuing and needless torture for the families these men left behind.
    Why are we still talking about, and listening to this war criminal? The lights are on, dimly lit, but it's obvious that nobody's home. Stop asking him to speak. He's not going to be held responsible for an unjust war based on lies or the profits he made on the backs of dead soldiers and civilians. Let him fade into demented irrelevancy.

Friday, May 9, 2014


     If you have been keeping up with the news then you know that there seems to be a bigger and bigger divide growing in our country. A growing rift between republicans and democrats,Christians and non-Christians, and rich and poor. Some how our country is  back sliding. Thinking people have to stand up, protest, write letters and emails. We need to Sign petitions, Start petitions  Most of all VOTE! 
      Here are a few things that are making my head explode right now. Mr Cliven Bundy, the Clark County, Nevada rancher who has been refusing to pay for grazing his cattle on federally owned land for a reported twenty years.
       I have searched and searched some more but I haven't found a reason why it has taken twenty years to handle this situation. As I understand it, when you are summoned to court and decide not to show up, there is a bench warrant issued to bring the non-compliant party. Also as I understand it, If a court of law decides that the bill is valid. And  further compels the accused to pay that bill, that he would be guilty of contempt of court if he still refuses to pay the bill. Is this a case of Bundy being too big to jail? 
       All the politicians and conservative news shows, and I use the words news show loosely, stampeded to stand by his side even though  Bundy said he didn't believe that the government of the United Stated of America even exists.  They stood for photo ops, shaking hands and just all around having a great time with a guy that doesn't acknowledge the government they work for. I guess they thought that all those gun totting nuts were voters.
        While all this was happening the separatist began showing up. Well armed and belligerent. I'm sure that everyone has seen the man laying on the bridge actually aiming his gun at the federal officers below.
In an interview conducted by Ben Swann , Sheriff Richard Mack was asked about his statement about putting women and even children in front of the men to hopefully create a Ruby Ridge indecent. Mack said that the brutality of seeing feds opening fire on women and children would be broad cast to the world.
What kind of man intentionally puts women in harms way? Actually hopes for that to happen? Luckily Richard Mack wasn't there at the time that it would have happened. The feds backed off and no one died that day. In my opinion they did the right thing.
     Then Mr Bundy, liking the attention, took up the microphone and wondered, out loud for all the world to hear, if the negro wouldn't be better off as slaves. The sound of squealing tires and running feet left a dust trail as the politicians and news people got as far away from the situation as fast as they could. Then Mr. Bundy decides to follow up on the racist statements he had made even worse. He stated that he was not a racist, and if he was we could blame Dr. Martin Luther King for not finishing his work. Seriously! Did he miss the part where Dr. King was assassinated? Then the next time on the microphone he compared himself to Mrs Rosa Parks. According to him he, like she did, was fighting against unfair laws. 
       They can run, but in this day of every thing being filmed and immediately put up on the internet, they can't hide, can't deny.
        The armed separatist have not left the area. They are still patrolling Bundys  property, still protecting Bundy. They are also walking around the town with guns in plain sight. Causing fear as the residents try to go about their lives. Afraid for their children and themselves. Waiting for their government to come help them.
        The next thing I hear is that some of these armed people are setting up check points on the roads in and out of the town and making residents show ID to prove that they live in the town. I have issues with the legitimate DUI check points, but that’s a topic for another time.
         If every thing else wasn't disturbing enough. The innocent people of the town are suffering the intimidation and stress of this situation seem to be  being largely ignored.               The federal and local authorities that citizens depend on to protect them are moving much to slow or not at all.
         I would like some answers. As an American citizen I feel I have a right to know what is happening to my fellow Americans that I consider to be in harms way. No mother or father should have to worry about taking their kids to school or church with these armed outsiders infiltrating their town.
        Those who are acting outside the law need to be held accountable. This is still America, If there is a law that we as a people don't agree with there are ways to address them with out violence . We  write letters to our representatives, support the ones who are working for the common people and vote out the ones who seem set to only do the bidding of the money men paying for their campaigns. attend protests , Start protests. Sign petitions, start petitions if you can't find ones that are in line with what you want to happen, I'm going to hop down off my soap box now before I start in on one of the other things I have way too much to say about. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Did I mention that chronic illness sucks?
Well, it does. It has been almost a year since my last post and let me tell you, a lot has changed.
I have moved across the country, lost friends I thought I would grow old knowing. I have been disappointed and learned who I need in my life and who to let go of.
I've written a book, the first of many I hope.
I am on a journey to define myself in a different way than I once did.
I always felt my worth was directly connected to what I could physically do for others.
I have had to rethink that.
This illness, these illnesses, have changed the dynamic of my life completely.
auto immune disorders never come to the party alone.
I've been diagnosed with Lupus, Sjogrens syndrome, Renaults syndrome, IBS, Gerd, PTSD, and the list goes on.
The flares come and go, Just over four months ago I took a train alone across more than half the country. If I hadn't been in so much physical and emotional pain I would have loved the trip.
It's a special kind of embarrassment when you have to ride a cart from the train to the front of the station because you just can't walk.
I used to be strong. I could work more hours than anyone I knew and did. I had so many irons in the fire for so many years that I wouldn't have been surprised to meet myself in the hall. I wanted more than anything to teach my kids that you could and should take care of yourself. I knew too many mothers that depended on welfare to survive, and anyone who has ever had to depend on that knows that you don't get enough to live, and it'll be taken from you before you can stand on your feet.
I never wanted my kids to hear the words, "I can't do (insert opportunity to better your situation here) , I'll lose my benefits." and they didn't.
This illness has been creeping up on me through the years. looking back I had episodes, flares, all my life. I remember the first time I couldn't swim as far as I wanted. I now know that these disorders were the cause of many lost pregnancies and I carry the guilt of wondering what I may have passed on to the children that I was able to bring into this world.
Here are the big lessons I have learned in the past year.
Most people won't take the time to learn about your illness. Even people you think are your friends.
Hold on to the ones that do.
No matter how much you don't deserve it, some people will kick you when you are already at rock bottom. Don't let them keep doing it.
No matter how much you have given, how much love, support, encouragement and understanding you heap on some one, some people are never happy, never satisfied. That's a fact and you have to let go.
Even if it's your best friend, even if it's your grown child.
The number one lesson I have learned so far is to be grateful. To never give up in despair. To cherish those people in your life that make your life bearable in your darkest times and always try to make sure they know what they mean to you. And finally, you absolutely must nurture yourself. Understanding that you deserve respect and kindness is key.