Friday, November 27, 2015

Since I'v Been Away

     Since I've been away. I just realized how long it had been since I had been away. I've been busy doing other things. Stirring the pot on political issues, signing petitions, writing and forwarding letters to various elected officials. Dealing with the health issues that have made me the wheelchair advocate, writing a book that I haven't had the courage to really and truly pursue getting published ( but I will) working on two other books that I love, but wonder if any one is as strange as me and could possibly love my twisted little creations? I don't know. 
     I do know that strange things are afoot in the land. We have people running for president who have no clue as to how the government works, and people screaming their names, proving that they all skipped civics 101 in junior high. 
     Mr. Donald Trump, erstwhile business man and reality TV star, one of the founding fathers of the birther movement, and all around swell but creepy guy, is running for the office of president. 
     I admit that my first reaction was an eye roll and a "well this should be fun." Then as the nasty verbal vomit kept pouring from his mouth and his poll numbers rose, and all the others began to try and out Trump Trump, I began to get a sense of the surreal. 
     Dr. Ben Carson, famed neurosurgean and supposed intelligent individual. He may have been an awesome surgeon, I have no reason to think otherwise, but as a candidate for office, he is a disaster. I'm pretty sure that the great pyramids weren't grain silos, but hey, who am I? I do have a world map on my wall that is strikingly different from the one on his resent ad. Watching the man talk makes me actually yell at the TV. he seems heavily medicated and delutional. If the meds are for the delusional condition, they aren't working. 
      Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX). Now there is an enigma. He has a bad case of the LOOK AT ME's. With his reading of Green Eggs and Ham on the senate floor, too late to delay a vote that had already happened. I watched him preen for the cameras and got a sense that this was a sick personality that I should keep an eye on. It's the feeling you get when you meet your friends new guy and you have an instant distrust of him and he just makes your skin crawl. I have a deep instinctual distrust of this man. He's too greasy, too arrogant, and too hateful. While I'm on the subject of Cruz, Texas, I am so sorry. I know that you are getting a ration of crap for him and I'm sorry. I know that there are plenty of smart and rational people in Texas. Now please fight harder so that this man doesn't speak for you. 
      So that's my amateur and strictly personal thoughts on these three. I've got oh so much more to say. Don't I always? I'll be working on getting more up soon. 



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