Beck has once again went around the bend. He said today that
President Obama was about to snap and round up the conservatives into
internment camps. He said that President Obama has been coddled all
of his life and treated like a god and wouldn't react well when the
press turns on him.
Obama has been insulted and challenged in the press more than any
other president, at least in my life time. When President Obama was
elected the first time there was a multitude of conspiracy theories
that he would round people up and put them in internment camps. If
that was his intent then he sure is taking his own sweet time about
it. The same can be said about the lies that He was coming after
every ones guns. He has supported the slightest of common sense gun
control bills and has been blocked at every turn by the conservative
If there is a ligament complaint to be
made about the President is that he has been far too soft on the
people spewing lies and hate in the guise of news. President Obama
tried for way to long to compromise with the republican party to no
avail. No matter how detrimental to the country, their stated goal
was to block the president, period.
There was the so called scandal about
President Obama birth certificate, which he did produce. Even though
he proved that he was born in the United States of America, some in
the republican party and the right wing media started what would
become the norm. Completely ignoring the truth. President Obama
didn't snap.
There was the
intentional misconception about the presidents religion. Hateful
ignorant people across the country were spoon fed lies insisting that
then Mr. Obama was Muslim. He is not Muslim, but in this supposed
land of religious freedom, would it really matter what his religion
was as long as he didn't base his polices on his personal religious
beliefs? Sadly yes, but that doesn't make it right. President Obama
didn't snap.
The racial slurs and verbal attacks on the President and first Lady
Michelle Obama that still go on. Adults saying horrible racist things
that no mature adult should ever say. Cartoons depicting the
President as a monkey. President Obama didn't snap.
Getting the affordable care act passed was an uphill
struggle. Congress voted six times to repeal the affordable care act.
There were forty or more attempts to refund the act that has given
millions of American citizens access to health care that they
couldn't get in the previous healthcare system, forcing many people
to seek care at emergency rooms. People died waiting for help or
because they couldn't get the care they needed, meanwhile costing tax
payers millions. President Obama didn't snap.
The so called Benghazi scandal/witch hunt is
a great example. The real scandal is that the very people screaming
for information that they already had were the same people who had
voted to cut funding for embassy security that seemingly led to
tragedy in the first place. They knew this and still spent millions
of dollars and thousands of hours pursuing a boogy man that doesn't
exist. President Obama didn't 'snap'.
There was the failure to pass a
budget and the subsequent shut down of the government. This was
largely due to the republicans refusal to negotiate. Even though the
right ring news ( fox so called news, for one) reported over and over again that it was the democrats that
wouldn't negotiate, even though it was public knowledge and easily
verified that it was the republicans who wouldn't show up to meetings
to work out the budget. Then had a ridiculous photo taken showing the
cookie cutter republicans sitting on one side of a conference table
with the other side of the table empty. They thought that the
American people were to stupid to remember what they said and did
from day to day. Unfortunately in some cases they were correct.
President Obama didn't snap.
Last but by no means least is the Bowe Bergdahl story that is still ongoing.
Last but by no means least is the Bowe Bergdahl story that is still ongoing.
Barack Obama was not coddled all of his life. He was raised by a single mother and was lucky to
have a supportive family. He achieved all that he has because he is
an uncommonly intelligent man devoted to trying to make the country a
better place. He is not perfect by any means. Though I support our
President and have respect for the office, I have real misgivings
about the NSAs spying on United States citizens. I have serious
concerns about drone warfare.
The fact is that the most anti-American behavior is being
perpetrated by same people that are freaking out, hair on fire, war
mongering, hate spewing far right.
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