Thursday, May 22, 2014

On Dick Cheney


    The former Vise President doesn't seem to remember from one moment what he has said. Back in  the early 2000s he was greatly responsible for lying to the american public and pushing the United States into war with Iraq. 
     *There were FBI reports dating back to before September 11, 2001 that stated that a group of men were training to fly planes, but not how to land them. Another report  stated there were targets in New York and Washington and indicated that hijacked planes might be used as weapons. there were warnings from the CIA European Chief  Tyler Drumheller that Curveball couldn't be trusted which were ignored.* (
       After having information stove piped to his office and circumventing the normal flow of information, Cheney got up in front of the public and lied.  From What I remember it was a serious play on the fear and anger that encompassed the country after the 9/11 attacks. The people needed a name to attach their anger and indignation to and the Bush administration used that to their full advantage to get us into an illegal war. 
     this week Cheney has been quoted as saying that Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for what happened in Benghazi. She was secretary of state at the time it happened and was one of the first people in Washington to learn  about the attack. 
    Let's be real. It's a horrible thing when people die in such a horrible way, or at all. People died doing their jobs for their country. In other words for us. an investigation was in order after it happened to least to see if there is a way to better protect our people in foreign lands. That was done. 
    What is happening now is a witch hunt and a way to drum up money for the republican party. There was no such outrage when other the 13 embassy attacks that occurred the bush administration when Richard Cheney was the  Vice President.  
    Who is really at fault for there not being adequate security at the embassy? I would say that the  House Republicans that voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut 1.2 billion from state operations that would include cutting funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions.  Look the numbers up yourselves and see who was really responsible for the supposed lack of security in Benghazi. 
    I think the government in general and the republicans  specifically need to stop raising money on the backs of dead Americans. The politicization of the deaths for the purpose of raising money and deflecting attention from other issues is disrespectful to the men who died and a continuing and needless torture for the families these men left behind.
    Why are we still talking about, and listening to this war criminal? The lights are on, dimly lit, but it's obvious that nobody's home. Stop asking him to speak. He's not going to be held responsible for an unjust war based on lies or the profits he made on the backs of dead soldiers and civilians. Let him fade into demented irrelevancy.

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