Thursday, May 22, 2014

On Dick Cheney


    The former Vise President doesn't seem to remember from one moment what he has said. Back in  the early 2000s he was greatly responsible for lying to the american public and pushing the United States into war with Iraq. 
     *There were FBI reports dating back to before September 11, 2001 that stated that a group of men were training to fly planes, but not how to land them. Another report  stated there were targets in New York and Washington and indicated that hijacked planes might be used as weapons. there were warnings from the CIA European Chief  Tyler Drumheller that Curveball couldn't be trusted which were ignored.* (
       After having information stove piped to his office and circumventing the normal flow of information, Cheney got up in front of the public and lied.  From What I remember it was a serious play on the fear and anger that encompassed the country after the 9/11 attacks. The people needed a name to attach their anger and indignation to and the Bush administration used that to their full advantage to get us into an illegal war. 
     this week Cheney has been quoted as saying that Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for what happened in Benghazi. She was secretary of state at the time it happened and was one of the first people in Washington to learn  about the attack. 
    Let's be real. It's a horrible thing when people die in such a horrible way, or at all. People died doing their jobs for their country. In other words for us. an investigation was in order after it happened to least to see if there is a way to better protect our people in foreign lands. That was done. 
    What is happening now is a witch hunt and a way to drum up money for the republican party. There was no such outrage when other the 13 embassy attacks that occurred the bush administration when Richard Cheney was the  Vice President.  
    Who is really at fault for there not being adequate security at the embassy? I would say that the  House Republicans that voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut 1.2 billion from state operations that would include cutting funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions.  Look the numbers up yourselves and see who was really responsible for the supposed lack of security in Benghazi. 
    I think the government in general and the republicans  specifically need to stop raising money on the backs of dead Americans. The politicization of the deaths for the purpose of raising money and deflecting attention from other issues is disrespectful to the men who died and a continuing and needless torture for the families these men left behind.
    Why are we still talking about, and listening to this war criminal? The lights are on, dimly lit, but it's obvious that nobody's home. Stop asking him to speak. He's not going to be held responsible for an unjust war based on lies or the profits he made on the backs of dead soldiers and civilians. Let him fade into demented irrelevancy.

Friday, May 9, 2014


     If you have been keeping up with the news then you know that there seems to be a bigger and bigger divide growing in our country. A growing rift between republicans and democrats,Christians and non-Christians, and rich and poor. Some how our country is  back sliding. Thinking people have to stand up, protest, write letters and emails. We need to Sign petitions, Start petitions  Most of all VOTE! 
      Here are a few things that are making my head explode right now. Mr Cliven Bundy, the Clark County, Nevada rancher who has been refusing to pay for grazing his cattle on federally owned land for a reported twenty years.
       I have searched and searched some more but I haven't found a reason why it has taken twenty years to handle this situation. As I understand it, when you are summoned to court and decide not to show up, there is a bench warrant issued to bring the non-compliant party. Also as I understand it, If a court of law decides that the bill is valid. And  further compels the accused to pay that bill, that he would be guilty of contempt of court if he still refuses to pay the bill. Is this a case of Bundy being too big to jail? 
       All the politicians and conservative news shows, and I use the words news show loosely, stampeded to stand by his side even though  Bundy said he didn't believe that the government of the United Stated of America even exists.  They stood for photo ops, shaking hands and just all around having a great time with a guy that doesn't acknowledge the government they work for. I guess they thought that all those gun totting nuts were voters.
        While all this was happening the separatist began showing up. Well armed and belligerent. I'm sure that everyone has seen the man laying on the bridge actually aiming his gun at the federal officers below.
In an interview conducted by Ben Swann , Sheriff Richard Mack was asked about his statement about putting women and even children in front of the men to hopefully create a Ruby Ridge indecent. Mack said that the brutality of seeing feds opening fire on women and children would be broad cast to the world.
What kind of man intentionally puts women in harms way? Actually hopes for that to happen? Luckily Richard Mack wasn't there at the time that it would have happened. The feds backed off and no one died that day. In my opinion they did the right thing.
     Then Mr Bundy, liking the attention, took up the microphone and wondered, out loud for all the world to hear, if the negro wouldn't be better off as slaves. The sound of squealing tires and running feet left a dust trail as the politicians and news people got as far away from the situation as fast as they could. Then Mr. Bundy decides to follow up on the racist statements he had made even worse. He stated that he was not a racist, and if he was we could blame Dr. Martin Luther King for not finishing his work. Seriously! Did he miss the part where Dr. King was assassinated? Then the next time on the microphone he compared himself to Mrs Rosa Parks. According to him he, like she did, was fighting against unfair laws. 
       They can run, but in this day of every thing being filmed and immediately put up on the internet, they can't hide, can't deny.
        The armed separatist have not left the area. They are still patrolling Bundys  property, still protecting Bundy. They are also walking around the town with guns in plain sight. Causing fear as the residents try to go about their lives. Afraid for their children and themselves. Waiting for their government to come help them.
        The next thing I hear is that some of these armed people are setting up check points on the roads in and out of the town and making residents show ID to prove that they live in the town. I have issues with the legitimate DUI check points, but that’s a topic for another time.
         If every thing else wasn't disturbing enough. The innocent people of the town are suffering the intimidation and stress of this situation seem to be  being largely ignored.               The federal and local authorities that citizens depend on to protect them are moving much to slow or not at all.
         I would like some answers. As an American citizen I feel I have a right to know what is happening to my fellow Americans that I consider to be in harms way. No mother or father should have to worry about taking their kids to school or church with these armed outsiders infiltrating their town.
        Those who are acting outside the law need to be held accountable. This is still America, If there is a law that we as a people don't agree with there are ways to address them with out violence . We  write letters to our representatives, support the ones who are working for the common people and vote out the ones who seem set to only do the bidding of the money men paying for their campaigns. attend protests , Start protests. Sign petitions, start petitions if you can't find ones that are in line with what you want to happen, I'm going to hop down off my soap box now before I start in on one of the other things I have way too much to say about.