Just my thoughts today.
And then there are the idiotic childish terms that are brandied about, Libtard, Tea baggers, and Obumer just to name a few. What kind of example are we setting for the future generations when adults are name calling and acting like little kids with bad manners. If I had acted like this as a child I would have been in trouble and rightly so.
The worst of the worst do nothing but down the other man , they don’t even make a case as to how they will do things better.Just some vague mention of how this guy ruined it , but not how they can do a better job or what they intend to do to make it better. I’m tired of hearing how this one or that one has failed. I want to know what can be done to fix it.
Most people are smart enough to know that we didn’t get to this point overnight and we won’t be waking up the day after election day to a magically repaired country, no mater who you think should win. It will take time and it will take sacrifice.
Mr.Romney recently said that he wasn’t going to worry about the large percentage of people who depended on the government because they would never vote against President Obama. That statement worries me.
Most people don’t want to be dependant on any one. Getting help is the last resort. The only people living a life of plenty on welfare are the ones cheating the system, the ones who have money coming in from other sources and not reporting it. The average person that receives help doesn’t get enough to actually get by with the basics.
I would love to see any of these politicians that talk about people on the government dole to try to live just one month in these people’s lives. Choosing between needed medication and food, chooseing between your pride and sleeping inside. The families that are one paycheck away from losing their home and have to feed their children food they know isn’t the best just to keep a roof over their heads.
I would like to believe things would change if the reality of the average american was really understood by the men who claim to have the countries best interest at heart. Who ever wins the election , the country still loses if the parties don’t stop the bickering and game playing and start working together for the good of all americans.
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